Dependency Graph


To get a list of all the dependencies in an organization, your’ll need to setup DependencyGraph.

from ghastoolkit import GitHub, DependencyGraph

print(f"Owner :: {GitHub.repository.owner}")

After that, we can use the graph to pull a dict of repositories and associated dependencies:

depgraph = DependencyGraph()

dependencies = depgraph.getOrganizationDependencies()

for repo, deps in dependencies.items():
    print(f" > {repo.display} :: {len(deps)}")

Once you have this information, you can look up dependencies usages across the organization or get other data from it.

Dependencies and associated repositories

One of the features of the Dependency Graph is it links a Dependency with a repository. This has to be done via the GraphQL API but this data can help with tracking and linking repositories being used.

depgraph = DependencyGraph()

dependencies = depgraph.getDependenciesGraphQL()

for dependency in dependencies:
    print(f" > {dependency} :: {dependency.repository}")


To upload a snapshot to the Dependency Graph you can use the DependencyGraph octokit API.

Lets start by importing and setting up GitHub.

import json
from ghastoolkit import DependencyGraph, Dependencies

# initialise GitHub

# create DependencyGraph API
depgraph = DependencyGraph()

Once you have a DependencyGraph ready, you with need to create a list of Dependencies.

dependencies = Dependencies()
# ... create list of dependencies

Once you have the list, you can simply call the following API:


This function converts the list of dependencies to a SPDX and submits the data to the Dependency Graph API.